- first 2.x version
V2.01 (Jan. 5)
- Bugfix: Crash when starting a
nonexisting program from menu
V2.02 (Jan. 17)
- New: Free- and fullversion aren't
longer separate
- Bugfix: Problems using an alternativ
INI file
V2.03 (Jan. 19)
- Bugfix: An old limitation to 10
buttons was still active
V2.04 (Jan. 21)
- New: 'Hold Taskbar ontop too'
V2.05 (Jan. 23)
- New: Internal changes and maybe
V2.06 (Feb. 15)
- Bugfix: somtimes overlooked change
of the screen resolution
- New: consideration of system colors
- New: less problems in 256 color
- New: less problems with Windows
setting 'Large Fonts'
- New: Workaround for grafik drivers
that have problems handling large bitmaps
- New: fixed some cosmetic details
V2.07 (Feb. 22)
- Bugfix: option to fix problems
with the main menu under Win98
- Bugfix: GDI memory leak under
Windows NT scrolling the icon list
- Bugfix: some dialogs wasn't set
to foreground
- Bugfix: imported settings wasn't
saved immediately
V2.50 (May 9, 2000)
- New: submenus in the main menu
- New: icons in the menus
- New: serveral small enhancements
and fixes
V2.51 (July 4, 2000)
- New: commandline can be an internet
V2.52 (August 30, 2000)
- New: compiled with VB6 by default
- New: used compiler is shown in
the info dialog
V2.53 (Oct. 2 2000)
- New: button separators
- New: option for 'Auto Paste' for
clipboard items
- New: 'stay on top' improved
- New: 'stay on top' deactivated
while a game runs
please mail me if this doesn't work with a game
V2.54 (Oct. 8 2000)
- Bugfix: Internet links with "https://"
work now
- Bugfix: fixed some minor issues
V2.55 (Nov. 8 2000)
- Bugfix: after closing games BBar
scrolled sometimes away until it crashes
Using HTML list now...
V2.60 (Nov. 19 2000)
- New: can find running insances
of programs to start thru the commandline; a titlebar
isn't longer needed. 16bit application under Windows NT4 and 2000 are
exceptional. Here a titlebar is still needed. NT4 users need Microsoft's
Unzip it to SYSTEM32 or BBar's folder. You can find the PSAPI.DLL
too on your NT4 CD or (better) a Service Pack CD. It's in \SUPPORT\DEBUG\I386.
- New: windowstate of started program can be forced
- New: environement variables like %WINDIR% are evaluated in commandlines
V2.61 (Nov. 20 000)
- Bugfix: search for running programs started thru a BAT or PIF file didn't work
V2.62 (Nov. 21 2000)
- Bugfix: search for running programs didn't work if LFNs in path
V2.63 (Dec. 3 2000)
- Bugfix: search for running programs didn't work if parameters in commandline
- New: can find running insances of 16bit programs in NT4 and Win2000 too
- New: Flat buttons
V2.64 (Dec. 4 2000)
- Bugfix: endless messages if PSAPI.DLL missing under NT4
V2.65 (Dec. 5 2000)
- Bugfix: BBar not visible under certain circumstances
V2.67 (Dec. 9. 2000)
- Bugfix: search for running programs didn't work under Windows 2000
V2.70 (Jan. 8 2001)
- New: system wide hotkeys for all items
- New: system wide hotkey for opening the main menu and hotkeys in the menu
- New: activation of running program instances works with several instances by repeated clicks
- New: Autostart and Autoclose items can be shown in the main menu
V2.71 (Jan. 14 2001)
- New: After Autopaste of clipboard items BBar restores the old clipboard contents partwise (Text, Richtext and EMF)
- New: Output of a list of all hotkeys to the Windows Clipboard
- New: Autopaste works with Hotkeys too that uses Alt or AltGr only
V2.72 (Jan. 20 2001)
- New: Forcing of the windowstate of started programs works too if the main windows of the program isn't
visible initially (e.g. Netscape 6)
V2.73 (Jan. 22 2001)
- New: Workaround for crash of Outlock 2000 (and others maybe) when BBar sends a WM_PASTE message to its RichText20A text control on Autopaste of a clipboard item. Now BBar simulates a Ctrl+V keypress.
V2.74 (Feb. 2 2001)
- Bugfix: Hotkey for opening the menu was lost when the Options dialog opens
- New: Alphablend effects under Windows 2000
- New: Behavior of the tooltips like standard tooltips of Windows (scroll and blend effcts)
- New: Some optimations for Windows 2000
V2.75 (Feb. 14 2001)
- Bugfix: New buttons added by external drag'n drop got a wrong icon and sometimes a wrong hotkey
V2.76 (Feb. 22 2001)
- Bugfix: New buttons added by external drag'n drop caused destroyed buttons when using flat buttons
V2.80 (March 3 2001)
- New: Clipboard items can be pasted without using the Clipboard (should I rename it?); Then you can simulate keystrokes which makes it possible to create small keyboard macros
- New: Defining hotkeys, BBar warns if the hotkey is already used by another item
- New: Drag & Drop can be disabled
V2.81 (March 11 2001)
- Bugfix: In V2.80 crash when editing a button or menu item second time when option 'activate running program' is checked
V2.82 (March 14 2001)
- Bugfix: Since V2.52 sometimes icon erased from buttons
V2.83 (March 15 2001)
- Bugfix: Since V2.81 Clipborad items was pasted twice in some applications
V2.84 (March 20 2001)
- New: Small fixes and improvements
V2.85 (March 30 2001)
- New: 'Maximizer' function for 'open link in new window' in Internet Explorer and Netcape6
- Bugfix: Hotkeys didn't work after cancel of the Options dialog
V2.86 (April 9 2001)
- Bugfix: 'Maximizer' function doesn't longer work on windows without maximize button
V2.87 (April 16 2001)
- Bugfix: Small fixes depending the window handling
V2.88 (April 24 2001)
- Bugfix: Crash when the text of a clipboard item starts wiht a number > 2147483647
- Workaround: MS-Outlook chrashed when BBar pasted text
V2.89 (May 3 2001)
- Bugfix: Error caching more than 80 menu icons
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