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How do I login when using ftp?


To access WinSite, use your FTP software and open a connection to If you are using a unix shell, simply type ftp at the prompt. You'll be asked for a login name (type anonymous). Enter your username and sitename (e.g., as your password. THIS STEP IS MANDATORY. WE ENFORCE LEGAL PASSWORDS. A shorthand way of entering your password (for those of you who have terribly long machine names) would be: username@. The system will expand your sitename, so just type your username followed by the "at sign".

If you want to be adventurous and automate the login process, create a file in your home directory called ".netrc" and make it accessible only by you (e.g., "chmod og-rwx .netrc"). (This is a VERY IMPORTANT STEP! Failure to have correct permissions on ".netrc" will cause it to be IGNORED by ftp/telnet!)


Add the following lines to your .netrc file:


login anonymous



This will now eliminate the prompting of your username and password upon subsequent ftp sessions.

NOTE: On some flavors of Unix, each.netrc entry should only consume one line. For example: machine login anonymous password username@...So this might be something to try if the above example doesn't work.

You may find the program AUTOFTP, located in pub/unix, helpful to you in automating ftp file transfers during non-load hours. This program can be scheduled at non-peak hours to download files from any ftp site. Also, NCFTP by Mike Gleason is something that most cannot live without. It allows, among other things, the ability to REDIAL a busy site so that you may login. Check it out.

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