File tools for the Windows commandline

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Some information about commandline tools

  FCB V0.7.7 - File Compare Binary - Replacement for Windows FC.EXE
FCB is a fast replacement for Windows FC.EXE. It supports only the binary mode of the original

The original acts often very dull: Comparing large files it allocates nearly all the free memory. And it reads the files thru the Windows file cache even if its useless because of the file size.

FCB reads directly from the disk. It uses three separate threads for reading the two files and for comparing. So FCB is nearly always faster than FC.EXE. The only exeption is when you compare a file with itself. FCB then really reads the data twice from disk while FC gets the data of the second file from the Windows file cache.

The usage is similar to the original but the /B parameter doesn't exist because FCB only supports the binary mode, processing sub-dirs isn't implemented yet.

FCB FileSpec1 FileSpec2

(~ 40KB)

  FFC V0.9.7 - Fast File Copy
FFC is optimized for large files. It reads and writes directly from and to disk, written data can be verified.
If the source contains hardlink groups then they are recreated at the target.
If there are reparse-points in the source then they will be recreated at the target pointing to the same location or to the new location if the reparse-point's target is part of the source. With param -p they are parsed instead and found files are copied.
NTFS attibutes can be copied (-a), alternative data streams too (-d).
Files can be excluded from being copied by one or multiple exclude masks (sample: -e:*.tmp -e:*.bak).

FFC FileSpec1 FileSpec2 [-s][-o][-k][-h][-p][-a][-d][-cx][-sp][-e][-v][-n]
-s  recurse subdirs
-o  overwrite existing files
-oo overwrite older existing files
-or overwrite older existing files even they have the read-only attribute
-k  skip existing files
-h  create hardlinks instead copies (on same volume only)
-p  parse reparse points (instead of copying the reparsepoint itself)
    (reparse points which point to the source path are never parsed,
    the copy will point to the target path)
-a  copy security attributes
-d  copy alternative data streams
-c0 do not compress target
-c1 compress target if source is compressed
-c2 compress target
-sp set 'sparse file' attribute for target files
-e  exclude mask (use multiple -e params for multiple masks)
-v  verify written data
-ve verify written data and existing files
-ds delete source file(s)
-n  no wait for key on finish if started standalone

(~ 120KB)

Last update: 05 August 2013

  FSF V0.8.5 - Find Same File - Finds identical files
FSF searches for identical files in one or two pathes. Found duplicates are listed and can be deleted or replaced by hardlinks.
FSF first determines all file sizes because only files with identical sizes can be identical at all. Instead of comparing the whole files FSF can test a small part only (param -t).
For finding files with identical sizes as fast as possible the file lists are sorted by size. Therefore the output isn't sorted by folders but by size.

FSF - Find Same File V0.8 (Win32) - Freeware by Uwe Sieber
FSF FileSpec1 FileSpec2 [-t:testsize][-m:minfilesize][-s][-n][-d][-h][-d]
-t:size  test 3 blocks of this size only instead of the whole file
         e.g. -t:1M for testing 3x 1 MB
-m:size  minimum file size to test, smaller files are skipped
         e.g. -m:1K for testing files > 1KB
-s   scan subdirs 1+2
-s1  scan subdirs 1 (default if FileSpec1 is a folder)
-s2  scan subdirs 2 (default if FileSpec2 is a folder)
-fh  find hardlinks (treat hardlinks as dups)
-r   scan reparse points 1+2
-r1  scan reparse points 1
-r2  scan reparse points 2
-n   no wait for key on finish if started standalone
if duplicate found:
-d1  delete file1
-d2  delete file2
-d   delete the file which is more fragmented
-h   replace the file which is more fragmented by hardlink
-dsn delete the file with the shorter file name
-dln delete the file with the longer file name
-dsp delete the file with the shorter path name
-dlp delete the file with the longer path name
-do  delete the file with the older write date
-dn  delete the file with the newer write date

(~ 90KB)

Last update: 14 July 2013


  ListLinks V0.5 - lists reparse points, symbolic links and hard links
ListLinks is a commandline tool which lists:
  • reparse points
    • mount points: directory entries which point to logical volumes or other local directories (junction points)
    • symbolic links: file or directory entries which point to other file or directory - also with relative and remote paths
  • hard links: file entries which point to the same file as at least one other on the same drive (on an NTFS drive every file entry is a hard link but usually there is exactly one for each file only)
ListLinks FileSpec [-s]
-s   recurse subdirs
ListLinks C:\* -s
Reparse points are shown when found while hard links must be collected and matched first, so they are listed at the end.


Last update: 03 Dec 2012



Last change: 7 April 2013

Uwe Sieber
