My company "Dunfield Development Services" provides software / firmware / hardware development services and consulting in the embedded systems area. For those who prefer to "do it yourself", I also offer my own suite of development tools, C compilers, Assemblers, Debuggers etc. Click the logo at the right to visit my commercial site.
You can email me directly at the address shown below (you will have to enter it manually). Note that this address may change without notice - check here for the correct address before sending.
Please DO NOT place the above address into any type of windows address book or mailing list. (Windows address books are a main source of addresses harvested by virus and trojan software).
You may also contact me through the technical support information on my commercial website
I get a *LOT* of email - and there are some that I just don't have the time to deal with .. here are the most common reasons an email gets binned:
Your question is answered in my FAQ. Please read it before contacting me.
You want me to "type" my documents to you. If you ask questions about my tools/utilities that are answered in my material --- don't expect a response. If you can't be bothered to read the documents, I can't be bothered to type up another version just for you. If you don't understand my docs, be specific about what parts you are having trouble with.
You don't know about GOOGLE - questions that would be answered with a few minites use of a search engine are generally ignored.
You send me something big without my expecting it. I use a rural internet service that is often no better than dial-up. Large unsolicited email simply takes too long to download. If you grab a photo from your camera and pop it in the mail to me without my asking for it, chances are I'll never even download your message.
You send email to the support address of my commercial site without 'DDS' in the subject - these get deleted before I ever see them.
You want free computer appraisal/brokerage services. (I am neither of these)
You are from Nigera and want my help to get your late dictator uncles money out of the country. (your email reads like a scam)
You are using an ISP that censors your email. (see below)
PLEASE NOTE I am quite dilligent about answering my email, although sometimes it might take a day or two - Sometimes the email I send bounces back with "blocked for abuse". is the domain of a small family business which has NEVER sent unsoliticed email (I am very much opposed to the use of the internet for such purposes) - however because I am involved a number of cool things, lots of people put our addresses in their "Outlook address book" or post them in newsgroups ... both prime sources of addresses and domain names harested by the real bad guys. As a result, this domain name is sometimes used by virus and spammers (I sometimes get spams saying they are from me!), however none of that material has EVER originated here.
Some ISPs are taking it upon themseves to censor your incoming email from me because someone else has abused our domain name or our own ISPs IP address range. There is nothing I can do about this, and I cannot respond to your request if you use one of these ISPs. Most of the offending ISPs do not provide a means to contest their policy, and frankly I don't have the time. So I am listing the ISP domains which have bounced email here - If you are using one of these ISPs you will not be able to get a response from me:
You should also be aware that the abuse of domain names harvested from email address books and internet newsgroups is very commonplace - Virtually all spam and virus email is sent with a harvested email address. If your ISP is censoring email from me - chances are they are censoring email from a lot of other equally innocent people as well.