Introduction ============ This version of Thai KB dll is only a preliminary version. It will enable you to have your keyboard input in Thai, providing that you have a Thai font. This dll doesn't not support any Thai API's. If you find anything that should be corrected, please contact me at the address below. This kbdth.dll is a freeware so please feel free to distribute it among your friends. However, the author would be very much encouraged if you support Bits & Bytes for Sight by donating your money to : LAMPANG EYE FOUNDATION 140/89 Duangrat Rd. Suandok, Muang District Lampang 52000 Thailand Tel: 66-54-217304 Or: Department of Ophthalmology Chulalongkorn Hospital Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: 66-2-2564142 How to install ============== 1)Use your text editor to edit the file "\winnt\system32\layout.inf 2)In the section [Files-Layout], add a line 0000041E = 7,KBDTH.DLL , SIZE=17408" in the appropriate order. In my setting, it is after the line 0000041D , and before the line 0000041F. 3)In the section [OptionsTextENG], add a line 0000041E = "Thai" in the appropriate order. In my setting, it is after the line 00000807 = "Swiss German" , and before the line 0001041F = "Turkish F". 4)In the section [Options], add a line 0000041E = kbdth.dll in the appropriate order. In my setting, it is after the line 00000807 = kbdsg.dll , and before the line 0001041F = kbdtuf.dll. 5)Save the file and exit your editor. 6)Go to Control Panel/International and choose "Thai" from the Keyboard Layout list. 7)It will ask you where to find the dll. Type in the full path where your copy of kbdth.dll is. 8)Exit the control panel. 9)Execute \winnt\system32\kbdsel.exe. KBDSEL is a keyboard switcher programme that comes with Windows NT. 10)You can configure the kbdsel.exe to be added in the startup group as well. How to contact the author ========================= If you have any comments, feedback or bug reports, or need technical support, you can reach me at Kittisak Kulvichit 2-2820 Heather Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada, V5Z 3J6 Email: KBDTH.DLL is a product of Bits & Bytes for Sight. For more information about BBS, please contact me at the address above. Disclaimer ========== THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS "SOFTWARE" IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL KITTISAK KULVICHIT OR HIS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF KITTISAK KULVICHIT OR HIS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.