Maximus 3.0 Manual Upgrade Procedure ==================================== This document describes the MANUAL conversion procedure for upgrading a Maximus 2.0 system to Maximus 3.0. In almost all cases, you will want to use the AUTOMATIC conversion procedure to do the upgrade. Only use the MANUAL conversion procedure if your Maximus control files are extremely complex and the automatic conversion procedure does not convert the control files properly. Please see the README.1ST file for information on the AUTOMATIC upgrade procedure. Manual upgrade steps -------------------- - MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR ENTIRE SYSTEM. - Run the install program. Select "upgrade", but in the upgrade screen, DESELECT all options except for the "Extract 3.0 files" and "convert tag file" options. * Convert EVENTS file to the new format. (See the system documentation.) * MAX.CTL: Remove "Area Data" and "Area Index"; add "MessageData MAREA" and "FileData FAREA". Change "File Password User.Bbs" to "File Password User". * Convert msgarea.ctl / filearea.ctl to the new control file format. See the program documentation for more details on the new syntax. * Edit menus.ctl to change: Area_Change File -> File_Area Contents -> File_Contents Download -> File_Download Locate -> File_Locate NewFiles -> File_NewFiles Upload -> File_Upload Type -> File_View Raw -> File_Raw Override_Path -> File_Override Area_Change Message -> Msg_Area Enter_Message -> Msg_Enter Forward -> Msg_Forward Xport -> Msg_Xport Statistics -> MEX m\stats Remember that "Area_Change File" becomes just "File_Area", and similarly with "Area_Change Message". The new commands need no arguments. The final line should look something like this: Msg_Area Twit "Area Change" Also, the replacement for the old Statistics command should look something like this: MEX m\stats Twit "Statistics" * Add the following to MENU MESSAGE: NoDsp Msg_Change Twit "`46" ; alt-c NoDsp Read_Previous Twit "`75" ; left NoDsp Read_Original Twit "`115" ; ctrl-left NoDsp Read_Next Twit "`77" ; right NoDsp Read_Reply Twit "`116" ; ctrl-right NoDsp Msg_Reply Twit "`16" ; alt-q NoDsp Msg_Reply Twit "`19" ; alt-r NoDsp Msg_Kill Twit "`37" "="; alt-k %Msg_Download_Attach Disgrace "!Download Attaches" %Msg_Reply_Area . Disgrace "&Reply Elsewhere" * Remove all "MenuHeader" lines from MENUS.CTL. * Add the following to the MESSAGE, FILE, CHAT and CHANGE menus (respectively): HeaderFile :m\headmsg HeaderFile :m\headfile HeaderFile :m\headchat HeaderFile :m\headchg * In MAX.CTL, revise "Format {Msg/File}Format" to use "%-20" instead of "%-9.9". * Add to the SYSTEM section of MAX.CTL: %File Callers Callers MCP Pipe \pipe\maximus\mcp MCP Sessions 16 File Access Access * Remove these statements from the SESSION section of MAX.CTL: Userlist Minimum Userlist Maximum Ratio Threshold Upload Reward Define * Add these statements to the SESSION section of MAX.CTL: Check RIP MaxMsgSize 8192 Min RIP Baud 65535 RIP Path RIP Track Base Trk Track View Sysop Track Modify Sysop Uses EntryHelp Misc\Msgentry Uses HeaderHelp Misc\Hdrentry Attach Base Att Attach Path Attaches Attach Archiver ZIP Kill Attach Ask Normal * Add this statement to the MATRIX section of MAX.CTL: Message Edit Ask LocalAttach Normal * Add "Include Access.Ctl" immediately after the "End System Section" line in MAX.CTL. * Add to the READER menu in menus.ctl: Msg_Restrict Disgrace "Restrict Date" * Remove all of the following lines from colours.ctl: Menu {Name,Highlight,Text} Hotflash {Bar,More,Clear} File {Name,Size,Date,Desc,Find,Offline,New} Message {From,FromTxt,To,ToTxt,Subj,SubjTxt,Attrib,Date, Address,Locus,Body,Quote,Kludge} FSR {MsgNum,MsgLinks,Attribute,MsgInfo,Date,Address,Static, Border} * Add "set maximus=d:\path\max.prm" to autoexec.bat (DOS) or config.sys (OS/2). * Remove all "Define xxx" statements from the SESSION section of max.ctl. * Change to your \max\olr\dats directory and run "del *.*". This will cause a one-time loss of the users' off-line reader area mappings. Users who upload packets which are replies to messages created by Max 2.x will be prompted to enter a new area when uploading those packets. * Change to your \max directory and run "cvtusr -p". * Change to your \max\rip directory, "mecca *.mec" and "mecca *.mer". * Change to your \max\misc directory, and "mecca *.mec". * Change to your \max\hlp directory, and "mecca *.mec". * Change to your \max\lang directory, and "maid english". * Change to your \max\m directory, and enter at the command prompt: for %f in (*.mex) do mex %f (If you run this from a .bat or .cmd file, replace "%f" with "%%f".) * Change to your \max directory and run: silt max -u * Change to your \max directory and run: fb -a ###