[WinSite]WinSite Package: xvi.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: xvi.zip

xvi for WinNT

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Date Contributed to Archive: Jun 16, 1994

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The package xvi.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/winnt/misc/xvi.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
      0  06-02-94  13:35   xvi/
   2248  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/8086mm.inc
   6314  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/alloc.c
   2812  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/ascii.c
   2985  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/ascii.h
   2955  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/buffers.c
  27270  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/cmdline.c
   2279  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/copying
   3663  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/cursor.c
   5915  01-01-93  07:15   xvi/defscr.c
  13730  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/edit.c
   3643  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/events.c
  18835  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/ex_cmds1.c
   7175  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/ex_cmds2.c
  15127  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/fileio.c
  12296  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/find.c
   7101  01-01-93  03:26   xvi/flexbuf.c
  10258  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/help
   1926  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/i286.asm
   1958  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/ibmpc.h
  19731  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/ibmpc_a.asm
   5791  07-28-92  14:48   xvi/ibmpc_c.c
   1114  01-01-93  13:20   xvi/makefile
   3534  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.386
   1993  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.aix
   1890  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.bsd
   2648  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.msc
   1114  01-01-93  13:20   xvi/makefile.nt
   4555  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.os2
   2085  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.pos
   2901  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.qc
   1957  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.qn4
   1640  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.qnx
   2198  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.sun
   1935  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.sv
   1786  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.tos
   1793  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.ult
   1799  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.usg
   1795  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.xen
   2745  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.zc2
   2977  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/makefile.zc3
  10435  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/map.c
   2886  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/mark.c
  11158  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/misccmds.c
   4855  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/mouse.c
  12825  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/movement.c
   3255  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/msdos.h
   6169  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/msdos_a.asm
  10429  12-14-92  09:37   xvi/msdos_c.c
  41946  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/normal.c
  20913  05-10-93  13:08   xvi/nt.$$$
  21601  06-02-94  13:34   xvi/nt.c
   3761  01-01-93  12:57   xvi/nt.h
  20907  05-10-93  14:49   xvi/nt.org
  18336  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/os2vio.c
   4160  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/os2vio.h
  23114  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/param.c
   4258  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/param.h
   5712  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/pc386.c
   2101  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/pc386.h
   4811  07-28-92  10:46   xvi/pipe.c
   3765  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/preserve.c
   2501  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/ptrfunc.c
    705  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/ptrfunc.h
  13461  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/qnx.c
   4321  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/qnx.h
   1783  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/readme
  32150  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/regexp.c
   1300  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/regexp.h
    706  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/regmagic.h
  32878  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/screen.c
  27204  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/search.c
   3071  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/signal.c
  56183  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/source.lst
  44132  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/source.ms
   9907  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/startup.c
   2442  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/status.c
  24670  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/summary.lst
  21826  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/summary.ms
  10695  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/sunback.c
   7353  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/sunfront.c
   2341  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/sunview.h
   6968  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/tags.c
  26020  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/termcap.c
   2356  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/termcap.h
   7890  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/tos.c
   2771  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/tos.h
  21383  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/undo.c
  20793  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/unix.c
   3773  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/unix.h
    758  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/version.c
   2655  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/virtscr.h
   9555  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/windows.c
  14933  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/xvi.1
 323584  06-02-94  13:35   xvi/xvi.exe
  31170  01-01-93  13:47   xvi/xvi.h
   1933  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/xvi.icn
  16818  07-28-92  10:55   xvi/xvi.lst
  11738  07-28-92  10:47   xvi/yankput.c
 ------                    -------
1258595                    99

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