[WinSite]WinSite Package: ntzip201.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: ntzip201.zip

WinNT Unzip utility

The package ntzip201.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


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Date Contributed to Archive: Aug 24, 1994

Estimated Download times:

The package ntzip201.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/winnt/misc/ntzip201.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   2781  09-02-93  17:43   zip.c
   5298  09-07-93  19:00   zip.c
  68629  09-22-93  08:56   zip.h
   9965  09-21-93  16:40   Makefile
   1503  09-03-93  17:36   nt/makefile.nt
   4577  09-07-93  18:58   nt/nt.c
    268  09-07-93  18:53   nt/zip.h
   3354  02-06-94  20:33   README
   8379  02-06-94  16:23   Where
   1203  09-06-93  19:34   zipgrep
   3290  08-28-93  17:35   algorith.doc
  11611  09-18-93  14:46   bits.c
  27049  01-08-94  13:04   crypt.c
   2793  01-08-94  13:26   crypt.h
  31434  09-10-93  17:42   deflate.c
  69436  05-13-94  13:16   fileio.c
   3161  09-10-93  14:03   globals.c
   9134  09-21-93  15:54   infozip.who
   4861  09-18-93  19:04   install.doc
   2569  08-21-93  15:57   makecrc.c
  13520  09-01-93  12:08   match.s
   3614  08-20-92  02:00   mktime.c
   4577  09-07-93  18:58   nt.c
    268  09-07-93  18:53   zip.h
   1686  09-18-93  19:04   revision.h
  10125  05-13-94  02:08   tailor.h
  41497  09-01-93  12:08   trees.c
  13320  05-13-94  02:23   util.c
  24746  09-18-93  19:04   zip.1
  38668  09-20-93  11:11   zip.c
  26850  09-18-93  19:06   zip.doc
  11074  09-03-93  17:10   zip.h
  91136  08-22-94  14:28   ZIP20.EXE
   4425  05-13-94  02:25   ZIP20.MAK
   8142  05-13-94  02:23   ZIP20.PDB
   2053  05-13-94  02:27   ZIP20.VCW
   1566  05-13-94  02:27   ZIP20.WSP
  10105  09-01-93  20:15   zipcloak.c
   2689  09-01-93  12:08   ziperr.h
  29385  09-21-93  11:57   zipfile.c
    475  09-03-93  15:31   zipgrep.1
  10465  09-10-93  13:25   zipnote.c
  18145  09-10-93  13:28   zipsplit.c
  16755  09-18-93  15:37   zipup.c
   2848  08-22-94  12:15   MATCH32.ZIP
 ------                    -------
 659429                    45

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