[WinSite]WinSite Package: lkbackup.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: lkbackup.zip

Tape backup program for Windows NT

The package lkbackup.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 358835 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Aug 24, 1994

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The package lkbackup.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/winnt/misc/lkbackup.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   6232  11-03-93  12:32   bits.c
  30085  11-03-93  13:33   deflate.c
  21538  09-25-93  12:51   getopt.c
  31617  09-27-93  12:31   inflate.c
  37452  10-25-93  03:20   zip.c>lzip.c
    593  09-27-93  12:31   lzw.c
  98266  11-03-93  19:49   tape.c>mttape.c
   6753  10-25-93  00:23   ntdir.c
   4521  09-25-93  12:25   ntdirent.c
   1557  09-25-93  12:03   ntmem.c
  20003  09-29-93  09:32   ntpipe.c
  78611  10-23-93  16:30   tape.c
  41626  11-03-93  13:26   trees.c
   9208  09-27-93  12:31   unlzh.c
   8844  09-27-93  12:31   unlzw.c
   8191  09-27-93  12:31   unpack.c
   6028  09-27-93  12:31   zip.c>unzip.c
  14103  09-27-93  12:31   util.c
   3296  11-03-93  12:49   zip.c
    256  09-25-93  12:51   zip.crypt.h>crypt.h
  10707  11-03-93  13:37   zip.ct_tally.h>ct_tally.h
    235  05-25-93  09:54   errno.h
    351  05-25-93  09:54   fcntl.h
   4376  09-25-93  12:51   getopt.h
  12259  11-03-93  12:48   gzip.h
   1481  09-25-93  12:52   lzw.h
   7707  10-25-93  00:29   nt.h
   1104  09-25-93  12:33   ntdirent.h
    868  09-25-93  12:01   ntmem.h
    481  09-27-93  12:31   revision.h
   7843  09-27-93  12:32   tailor.h
   5361  05-15-94  00:51   lkbackup.mak
 126464  11-03-93  19:50   LKBACKUP.EXE
   1616  11-03-93  20:14   stats
   3108  05-15-94  01:03   read.me
 100155  05-15-94  00:45   MTTAPE.C
 126976  05-15-94  00:53   lkbackup.exe
    718  05-15-94  00:53   LKBACKUP.WSP
    204  05-15-94  00:53   LKBACKUP.VCW
 127488  05-15-94  00:46   LKBKPENT.EXE
 ------                    -------
 968282                    40

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