To Install Bench32, simply unzip the file into a directory of your preference (e.g. c:\programs\benchmarks\bench32). There should be 11 total files included in bench32.exe, bench32.hlp, bench32,txt, gensock.dll, glu.dll, opengl32.dll, bench32.txt, vidbench.exe, and this file install.txt, example.sig, userfile.dbf. Make an icon, shortcut, or menu item for bench32.exe (not vidbench.exe), and run it! bench32.exe - application benchmark vidbench.exe - benchmark accessory file bench32.txt - a readme file for bench32.txt readme.1st - another readme file install.txt - this file gensock.dll - accessory dll opengl32.dll - needed for Win95 users only glu.dll - needed for Win95 users only bench32.hlp - help file for bench32.exe example.sig - An example signature file userfile.dbf - A database file with my e-mail address in it (used with bench32 mail)