Screen Saver Activate for Windows 95 installation instructions: To install Screen Saver Activate, extract all of the files from the archive file SSAC95.ZIP into a temporary subdirectory (folder) of your choice or to a floppy drive; then run INSTALL.BAT. If you are installing from the diskette version of the program; just run INSTALL.BAT which is in the root directory of the distribution diskette. If you want to perform a manual installation, just extract the executable file named ssactvat.exe and rename it to ssactivate.exe, then place this in whatever location that you wish. Also view the file, SSACTVAT.WRI, for more information on configuring SSACTIVATE to run at start-up. The files included in the archive are: SSACTVAT.TXT Brief description of the program. README.TXT This file.. Brief installation instructions. SSACTVAT.EXE The main executable file. SSACTREG.WRI Registration form and instructions. SSACTVAT.WRI Main program information file. INSTALL.BAT Install script. YESNO.COM Program needed for installation. Once the SSACTIVATE files are copied to your disk all you have to do is execute "SSACTIVATE.EXE".