[WinSite]WinSite Package: fmview.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: fmview.zip

FmView: extend Win95 explorer to display file contents

The package fmview.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 397977 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Oct 29, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package fmview.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win95/desktop/fmview.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   7970  09-04-94  07:36   FMVCIS.DLL
  20112  10-16-94  05:41   FMVHLP.DLL
  21834  05-14-95  09:54   FMVHTML.DLL
  85504  05-18-95  07:37   FMVIEW.DLL
  28672  05-17-95  06:32   FMVIEWNT.DLL
  15392  06-29-93  14:01   FMVLZH.DLL
   7020  01-24-95  12:34   FMVMSB.DLL
  21636  01-17-93  08:35   FMVOBJ.DLL
   8508  05-16-95  06:48   FMVODBC.DLL
  11298  05-09-95  19:07   FMVOLE.DLL
   8658  05-18-95  07:16   FMVRTF.DLL
   7268  10-22-94  08:31   FMVSAM.DLL
   6868  02-19-95  18:44   FMVSDB.DLL
  14068  05-13-95  23:06   FMVWKS.DLL
   7806  05-11-95  21:29   FMVWPD.DLL
  23250  05-13-95  18:17   FMVWPG.DLL
   7482  05-09-95  19:15   FMVWPS.DLL
  21134  05-09-95  19:23   FMVXLS.DLL
  61158  02-16-94  19:48   FMVZIP.DLL
 259462  05-18-95  19:57   FMVBIT.DLL
   8866  05-09-95  14:28   EZSTG.DLL
   3418  05-14-95  08:41   FMVIEWX.INI
  39378  05-18-95  20:43   FMVIEW.HLP
   5164  05-14-95  17:21   FMVDDE.DLL
  24576  05-17-95  06:44   FMVINSTN.EXE
  42940  01-16-93  08:37   FMVARJ.DLL
   9888  09-23-94  14:37   FMVCAB.DLL
  18048  01-18-93  06:53   FMVEXE.DLL
  25316  03-04-93  16:49   TKBGEN.DLL
   8704  04-25-94  18:48   INSTALL.EXE
  12592  12-08-91  09:30   COURC.FON
    636  05-16-95  23:28   README.TXT
 ------                    -------
 844626                    32

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