[WinSite]WinSite Package: bob-j30x.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: bob-j30x.zip

BOBBY: file managing shell and multimedia aware

The package bob-j30x.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 774448 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Jul 30, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package bob-j30x.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win95/desktop/bob-j30x.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
      0  07-30-95  18:17   CONFIG/
      0  07-30-95  18:17   FONTS/
      0  07-30-95  18:17   HELP/
      0  07-30-95  18:17   ICONS/
      0  07-30-95  18:17   PICTURES/
      0  07-30-95  18:17   SOUNDS/
 428512  07-30-95  18:53   BOB.EXE
     84  07-30-95  18:16   BOBBY.BAT
  10394  07-30-95  18:16   BOBKEYS.TXT
  66120  07-30-95  18:16   INSTALL.EXE
 166549  07-30-95  18:16   MANUAL.TXT
   8732  07-30-95  18:16   README.1ST
   2682  07-30-95  18:16   CONFIG/ICONS.BOB
   1012  07-30-95  18:16   FONTS/FONT1.FNT
    582  07-30-95  18:16   FONTS/FONT2.FNT
 163079  07-30-95  18:16   HELP/MANUAL.HLP
 110487  07-30-95  18:16   HELP/ONLINE.HLP
   1222  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/BOBLOGO.ICO
    666  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/CD1.ICO
    454  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/CD2.ICO
    390  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/CUBE.ICO
    246  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/DISK.ICO
    378  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/DRAWER.ICO
     38  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/EXTRA.ICO
    186  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/HD.ICO
    646  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/NOTE.ICO
    438  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/PAINT.ICO
    626  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/PEN.ICO
    210  07-30-95  18:16   ICONS/SMILE.ICO
 192002  07-30-95  18:16   PICTURES/ESCHER-H.GIF
 244022  07-30-95  18:16   PICTURES/VINCI_MA.PCX
   3409  07-30-95  18:16   SOUNDS/CHISEL.VOC
  11587  07-30-95  18:16   SOUNDS/DING.VOC
  20319  07-30-95  18:16   SOUNDS/HARP.VOC
   2697  07-30-95  18:16   SOUNDS/CLICK.WAV
  19338  07-30-95  18:16   SOUNDS/HATECOMP.WAV
  64671  07-30-95  18:16   SOUNDS/INDIA.WAV
 ------                    -------
1521778                    37

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