[WinSite]WinSite Package: gdips_96.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: gdips_96.zip

96 DPI (VGA resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts

The package gdips_96.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 501124 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Apr 23, 1991

Estimated Download times:

The package gdips_96.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/fonts/gdips_96.zip
Windows 3.0 PostScript screen fonts, VGA
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   2463  04-22-91  21:21   GDIPS_96.DOC
  41472  04-13-91  19:34   AGWO__96.FON
  39424  04-13-91  19:39   BKL___96.FON
  40960  04-13-91  19:34   BKDI__96.FON
  38912  04-13-91  19:34   BKLI__96.FON
  35328  04-13-91  19:40   COM___96.FON
  36864  04-13-91  19:35   COBO__96.FON
  35840  04-13-91  19:40   COO___96.FON
  39424  04-13-91  19:40   HVB___96.FON
  40960  04-13-91  19:35   HVBO__96.FON
  35328  04-13-91  19:35   HVNB__96.FON
  38400  04-13-91  19:41   HVO___96.FON
  40448  04-13-91  19:36   NCBI__96.FON
  34816  04-13-91  19:36   HVNO__96.FON
  39424  04-13-91  19:42   NCI___96.FON
  33792  04-13-91  19:41   HVN___96.FON
  39424  04-13-91  19:42   NCR___96.FON
  38912  04-13-91  19:36   POBI__96.FON
  37888  04-13-91  19:43   POI___96.FON
  38400  04-13-91  19:43   POR___96.FON
  36352  04-13-91  19:43   TIB___96.FON
  36864  04-13-91  19:37   TIBI__96.FON
  35328  04-13-91  19:44   TII___96.FON
  36352  04-13-91  19:44   TIR___96.FON
  39424  04-13-91  19:46   ZD____96.FON
  40448  04-13-91  19:38   AGW___96.FON
  39936  04-13-91  19:39   BKD___96.FON
  35840  04-13-91  19:39   COB___96.FON
  37888  04-13-91  19:46   HV____96.FON
  36864  04-13-91  19:31   HVNBO_96.FON
  40448  04-13-91  19:41   NCB___96.FON
  38400  04-13-91  19:42   POB___96.FON
  39936  04-13-91  19:46   SY____96.FON
  35328  04-13-91  19:37   ZCMI__96.FON
  43008  04-13-91  19:33   AGDO__96.FON
  40960  04-13-91  19:38   AGD___96.FON
 ------                    -------
1341855                    36

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