[WinSite]WinSite Package: gdips120.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: gdips120.zip

120 DPI (8514 resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts

The package gdips120.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 628739 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Apr 23, 1991

Estimated Download times:

The package gdips120.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/fonts/gdips120.zip
Windows 3 PostScript screen fonts, 8514 resolution
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  53760  04-10-91  21:29   AGD__120.FON
  53248  04-10-91  21:29   AGW__120.FON
  54784  04-10-91  21:27   AGWO_120.FON
  53248  04-10-91  21:30   BKD__120.FON
  51712  04-10-91  21:30   BKL__120.FON
  50176  04-10-91  21:27   BKLI_120.FON
  47104  04-12-91  21:37   COB__120.FON
  46592  04-12-91  21:38   COM__120.FON
  47104  04-12-91  21:38   COO__120.FON
  50688  04-12-91  21:38   HV___120.FON
  50688  04-12-91  20:33   HVB__120.FON
  44544  04-10-91  21:32   HVN__120.FON
  45056  04-10-91  21:27   HVNB_120.FON
  47616  04-10-91  21:28   HVNO_120.FON
  52736  04-12-91  20:33   HVO__120.FON
  54272  04-10-91  21:32   NCB__120.FON
  52224  04-10-91  21:33   NCI__120.FON
  50688  04-10-91  21:33   NCR__120.FON
  50176  04-10-91  21:34   POB__120.FON
  48128  04-10-91  21:34   POI__120.FON
  50688  04-10-91  21:34   POR__120.FON
  54272  04-12-91  21:38   SY___120.FON
  48128  04-12-91  20:33   TIB__120.FON
  46080  04-12-91  20:33   TII__120.FON
  45568  04-12-91  20:34   TIR__120.FON
  50176  04-10-91  21:38   ZD___120.FON
  56832  04-12-91  20:30   AGDO_120.FON
  53760  04-12-91  20:30   BKDI_120.FON
  48128  04-12-91  20:30   COBO_120.FON
  54272  04-12-91  20:30   HVBO_120.FON
  48128  04-12-91  20:28   HVNBO120.FON
  54784  04-12-91  20:31   NCBI_120.FON
  51200  04-12-91  20:31   POBI_120.FON
  48640  04-12-91  20:31   TIBI_120.FON
  46080  04-12-91  20:31   ZCMI_120.FON
   2498  04-22-91  17:47   GDIPS120.DOC
 ------                    -------
1763778                    36

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