[WinSite]WinSite Package: ftday.exe[WinSite]

WinSite Package: ftday.exe

Offline Internet training for Windows

The package ftday.exe may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 1416533 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Dec 3, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package ftday.exe has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/winsock/ftday.exe
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   7286  11-30-95  00:00   ADDONS.HTM
  53714  11-30-95  00:00   CATALOG.HLP
  44285  11-30-95  00:00   CUSTHELP.HLP
    766  11-30-95  00:00   CUSTHELP.ICO
  12199  03-06-92  02:29   DFS.EXE
   6976  02-10-93  12:47   EMBH.DLL
  23552  02-07-95  05:42   EW256BMP.DLL
   1214  11-30-95  00:00   FCLEANUP.BAT
  17585  11-30-95  00:00   FCLEANUP.HLP
    766  11-30-95  00:00   FCLEANUP.ICO
    545  11-30-95  00:00   FCLEANUP.PIF
    453  11-30-95  00:00   FILE_ID.DIZ
2969870  11-30-95  00:00   FIRSTRN.HLP
    766  11-30-95  00:00   FIRSTRN.ICO
    766  11-30-95  00:00   FIRSTRN2.ICO
  29008  03-08-93  00:19   HELPHELP.DLL
 253145  11-30-95  00:00   HELPHELP.HLP
    766  11-30-95  00:00   HELPHELP.ICO
  87040  11-30-95  00:00   INSTALDR.EXE
  21504  11-30-95  00:00   INSTALL.EXE
   4647  11-30-95  00:00   INSTALL.INF
    245  03-27-92  15:31   OEMSETUP.INF
   4938  11-30-95  00:00   README.TXT
   1999  06-12-88  19:48   SAVEDIR.COM
   7088  05-28-92  16:44   SPEAKER.DRV
   9947  11-30-95  00:00   TEST.HLP
   3104  11-30-95  00:00   TEST.ZIP
   7597  11-30-95  00:00   VENDOR.DOC
   5824  11-30-95  00:00   WINSIZE2.DLL
 ------                    -------
3577595                    29

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