[WinSite]WinSite Package: wmm131.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: wmm131.zip

QWK off-line mail reader with message base

The package wmm131.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 230790 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Mar 2, 1996

Estimated Download times:

The package wmm131.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/util/wmm131.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   6761  01-18-96  16:59   README.TXT
   9846  01-18-96  17:00   PREBERI.TXT
   6621  03-02-96  19:08   HISTORY.TXT
  14376  02-29-96  10:18   SETUP.EXE
    560  02-29-96  10:09   SETUP.DAT
    363  02-29-96  10:09   UPGRADE.DAT
   1085  02-06-96  11:39   SETUP.INF
 297018  03-02-96  14:25   WMM.EXE
  82511  03-03-96  17:20   WMM.HLP
  22784  01-31-96  11:05   JQWK.DLL
  57942  02-29-96  12:44   WMMTOOLS.EXE
  21844  02-29-96  10:15   PAPIRUS.EXE
    902  12-27-94  14:44   TAGLINE.TXT
  12895  02-25-96  12:34   ENGLISH.LNE
   4479  02-12-96  09:02   ENGLISH.LE1
    421  02-22-96  13:31   ENGLISH.LE2
   7625  02-25-96  12:31   LHISTORY.TXT
    351  01-07-96  15:33   FILE_ID.DIZ
    281  01-23-96  14:51   WELCOME.WMM
     80  02-29-96  12:39   000.WMI
    320  02-29-96  12:39   001.WMI
    320  02-29-96  12:39   002.WMI
    240  02-29-96  12:39   003.WMI
    240  02-29-96  12:39   004.WMI
    320  02-29-96  12:39   005.WMI
    240  02-29-96  12:39   006.WMI
  20096  02-29-96  12:37   WELCOME.WMT
    116  09-12-95  19:47   BLT-0.1
    105  09-11-95  17:33   MYFRIE1.WMA
     76  09-12-95  19:00   REMARKS.TXT
   1183  09-12-95  19:10   WELCOME
 ------                    -------
 572001                    31

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