[WinSite]WinSite Package: whizn214.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: whizn214.zip

Text organizer/ Help generator

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Select this link to download the entire package now (size 545693 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Oct 24, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package whizn214.zip has contents:
Select the hyperlinks below to access the referenced file:

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/util/whizn214.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
 615424  10-23-95  21:02   WHIZNOTE.EX_
 154112  10-23-95  21:02   SETUP.EXE
 275628  10-23-95  21:02   WHIZNOTS.HL_
  11971  10-23-95  21:02   README.TXT
   2591  10-23-95  21:02   LICENSE.DOC
   1127  10-23-95  21:02   REGISTER.DOC
   4097  10-23-95  21:02   ORDER.DOC
   5646  10-23-95  21:02   VENDOR.DOC
    448  10-23-95  21:02   FILE_ID.DIZ
  15224  10-23-95  21:02   SAMPLHLP.WZ_
   4247  10-23-95  21:02   WHIZINTR.WZ_
   2703  10-23-95  21:02   WHIZNOTE.REC
    802  10-23-95  21:02   AVEXTRA.TXT
  24576  10-23-95  21:02   WZUTILS.DLL
  11814  10-23-95  21:02   WZLOCATE.EXE
  45450  10-23-95  21:02   PATCH.EXE
  19056  10-24-95  18:31   VENDINFO.DIZ
  55675  03-09-93  07:01   BWCC.DL_
  35520  07-19-95  21:02   UUDEC.EXE
 ------                    -------
1286111                    19

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