[WinSite]WinSite Package: splt231w.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: splt231w.zip

HP-GL/2, HP-GL \& DXY-GL pen plotter simulator

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Select this link to download the entire package now (size 360974 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Jan 28, 1996

Estimated Download times:

The package splt231w.zip has contents:
Select the hyperlinks below to access the referenced file:

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/util/splt231w.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   2120  01-28-96  02:31   README.TXT
   4268  01-24-96  02:31   ABOUT.TXT
   1983  01-24-96  02:31   NEW.TXT
 226304  01-28-96  02:31   SPLOTW.EXE
  25100  01-28-96  02:31   SPLOTC.DLL
  41984  01-28-96  02:31   HPGL2.DLL
   9697  01-28-96  02:31   HPGL2.TXT
    567  01-24-96  02:31   NEW.TXT>HPGL2NEW.TXT
  32256  01-28-96  02:31   HP7475.DLL
  41984  01-28-96  02:31   HP7595.DLL
  43520  01-28-96  02:31   ROLDXY.DLL
  43520  01-28-96  02:31   SPLOTEN.DLL
 189883  01-28-96  02:31   SPLOTEN.HLP
   6969  01-28-96  02:31   PAPERS.INI
   8606  01-28-96  02:31   PAPERS.TXT
  10829  01-24-96  02:31   LICENCE.TXT
   2668  05-02-95  02:31   ORDER.TXT
  30983  01-24-96  02:31   PLOTTERS.TXT
    445  01-24-96  02:31   FILE_ID.DIZ
   6173  02-17-92  02:31   ASCII.PLT
  11151  01-28-96  02:31   THPGL2.ZIP
  11688  05-02-95  02:31   THP7475.ZIP
   8387  05-02-95  02:31   THP7595.ZIP
   4138  01-28-96  02:31   TDXY.ZIP
 ------                    -------
 765223                    24

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