[WinSite]WinSite Package: iware420.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: iware420.zip

InstallWare application installation program

The package iware420.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 137078 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Sep 24, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package iware420.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/util/iware420.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
    630  09-14-95  04:20   arcade.bmp
    778  09-14-95  04:20   castle.bmp
  24758  09-14-95  04:20   features.bmp
    342  09-14-95  04:20   file_id.diz
  20976  07-31-95  18:42   ctl3d.dll
   2108  09-14-95  04:20   vendor.doc
   4576  09-14-95  04:20   install.exe
  45600  09-14-95  04:20   iw.exe
  45728  09-14-95  04:20   iwf.exe
  46112  09-14-95  04:20   iwg.exe
   4079  09-14-95  04:20   sfx.exe
  49625  09-14-95  04:20   instwar.hlp
   1718  09-14-95  04:20   install.ico
    766  09-14-95  04:20   test.ico
   1838  09-14-95  04:20   2disk.inf
   4423  09-14-95  04:20   app.inf
  26936  09-14-95  04:20   appsetup.inf
   1527  09-14-95  04:20   readme.now
 ------                    -------
 282520                    18

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