[WinSite]WinSite Package: internav.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: internav.zip

Internet Navigator floating win Internet address dbms

The package internav.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 1258446 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Oct 25, 1994

Estimated Download times:

The package internav.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/util/internav.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
    663  10-25-94  19:37   SETUP.LST
  39856  10-25-94  19:37   SETUP.EXE
  39044  10-25-94  19:37   DECOMP.EXE
  19125  10-25-94  19:37   ACMSETUP.HLP
 191360  10-25-94  19:37   MSSETUP.DLL
  14832  10-25-94  19:37   MSCPYDIS.DLL
  14103  10-25-94  19:37   _MSSETUP.EXE
 201072  10-25-94  19:37   MSACAHBB.DLL
 255776  10-25-94  19:37   ACMSETUP.EXE
    149  10-25-94  19:37   SETUP.INI
 437556  10-25-94  19:37   INTERNAV.EXE
   9867  10-25-94  19:37   INTERNAV.HLP
  98304  10-25-94  19:37   INTERNAV.MDB
  17440  10-25-94  19:37   MSAJT112.DLL
   1734  10-25-94  19:37   ORDER.TXT
   3328  10-25-94  19:37   RETAIL.WRI
  47472  10-25-94  19:37   SSDATA1.VBX
  64432  10-25-94  19:37   THREED.VBX
  37568  10-25-94  19:37   VBALINK.DLL
  95200  10-25-94  19:37   VBDB300.DLL
 398416  10-25-94  19:38   VBRUN300.DLL
   9696  10-25-94  19:38   VER.DLL
  14933  10-25-94  19:38   VSHARE.386
 994496  10-25-94  19:38   MSAJT200.DLL
   1213  10-25-94  19:38   README.TXT
   4214  10-25-94  19:38   SETUP.STF
   1430  10-25-94  19:38   ADMIN.INF
   2031  10-25-94  19:38   SETUP.INF
 ------                    -------
3015310                    28

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