[WinSite]WinSite Package: bcalc2.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: bcalc2.zip

Business Calculator V2.00 for Windows 3.1

The package bcalc2.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 193471 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Jun 6, 1994

Estimated Download times:

The package bcalc2.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/util/bcalc2.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  24928  05-19-94  14:37   INSTALL.EXE
      0  05-18-94  17:08   INST/
 207616  05-24-94  22:17   INST/BCALC.EXE
     22  05-15-94  22:49   INST/CIRCAR.FML
    120  05-24-94  20:13   INST/QUADRAT.FML
     82  05-15-94  21:50   INST/APSUM.FML
     44  05-15-94  22:50   INST/COMBIN.FML
     70  05-15-94  22:57   INST/DIST2PT.FML
     68  05-15-94  22:56   INST/COMBREP.FML
     56  05-15-94  23:00   INST/DROPDIS.FML
     87  05-15-94  23:01   INST/GPSUM.FML
     37  05-15-94  23:01   INST/GRAV.FML
     82  05-15-94  23:02   INST/HERON.FML
     34  05-15-94  23:03   INST/LOG.FML
     50  05-15-94  23:04   INST/PERMREP.FML
     41  05-15-94  23:05   INST/PERMUT.FML
     80  05-15-94  23:06   INST/POLRECT.FML
     34  05-15-94  23:06   INST/PYRVOL.FML
     77  05-15-94  23:07   INST/RECTPOL.FML
    129  05-15-94  23:08   INST/SIMEQ2.FML
    308  05-16-94  02:14   INST/SIMEQ3.FML
     25  05-15-94  23:11   INST/SUMCUB.FML
     31  05-15-94  23:11   INST/SUMSQR.FML
     14  05-15-94  23:14   INST/FLDSTR.FML
      9  05-15-94  23:16   INST/SPHSA.FML
     10  05-15-94  23:17   INST/DISTADV.FML
  21648  11-23-93  12:53   INST/CTL3DV2.DLL
  64516  03-10-92  03:10   INST/BCALCSYM.TTF
  63488  08-20-93  21:09   INST/INST2.EXE
   2309  05-18-94  19:06   INST/INSTALL.BAK
   2308  05-27-94  01:42   INST/INSTALL.INF
  12773  05-18-94  02:37   INST/HELP.HLP
   1345  05-24-94  21:12   README.NOW
 ------                    -------
 402441                    33

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