[WinSite]WinSite Package: vbsock11.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: vbsock11.zip

VBS assists in creation of TCP/IP Winsock apps

The package vbsock11.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 74025 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Feb 27, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package vbsock11.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/programr/vbasic/vbsock11.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  16423  02-26-95  22:22   VBSOCK.HLP
  19248  02-15-95  21:35   VBSOCK.VBX
    236  02-26-95  21:26   CHAT/CLIENT/CLIENT.MAK
    766  09-28-94  14:31   CHAT/CLIENT/PHONE13.ICO
    595  10-06-94  13:36   CHAT/CLIENT/GET_INI.BAS
  12288  10-11-94  10:04   CHAT/CLIENT/SOCKWIN.DLL
  15492  02-26-95  21:27   CHAT/CLIENT/CLIENT.EXE
  10485  02-26-95  21:26   CHAT/CLIENT/MAINWIN.FRM
  40193  02-26-95  21:26   CHAT/CLIENT/SEND.BAS
    770  02-26-95  21:26   CHAT/CLIENT/MAINWIN.FRX
     64  01-18-95  13:32   CHAT/CLIENT/MAINWIN.LOG
   3247  11-23-94  14:34   CHAT/CLIENT/VBSOCK.BAS
    595  10-06-94  13:37   CHAT/SERVER/GET_INI.BAS
   3090  10-13-94  07:53   CHAT/SERVER/INSTALL.FRM
    770  02-26-95  21:37   CHAT/SERVER/MAINWIN.FRX
    236  02-26-95  21:37   CHAT/SERVER/SERVER.MAK
    766  09-28-94  14:31   CHAT/SERVER/PHONE13.ICO
   7200  02-26-95  21:37   CHAT/SERVER/MAINWIN.FRM
  14974  02-26-95  21:37   CHAT/SERVER/SERVER.EXE
   3442  11-10-94  07:52   CHAT/SERVER/SOCKWIN.BAS
   3247  11-23-94  14:34   CHAT/SERVER/VBSOCK.BAS
  40012  02-26-95  21:37   CHAT/SERVER/SEND.BAS
    525  02-26-95  22:27   README.TXT
 ------                    -------
 194664                    23

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