[WinSite]WinSite Package: ctrlz14.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: ctrlz14.zip

ControlZ is a custom control library (DLL)

The package ctrlz14.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 449709 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Aug 30, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package ctrlz14.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/programr/bcpp/ctrlz14.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
   4608  08-29-95  18:34   CONTROLZ.LIB
   1706  07-25-95  15:23   DEMO_SRC/CZDEMO.C
    147  03-24-95  10:54   DEMO_SRC/CZDEMO.DEF
  16107  07-25-95  15:31   DEMO_SRC/CZDEMO.RC
     28  04-10-95  12:45   REGISTER.TXT
   4689  08-29-95  18:22   README.TXT
  46592  08-29-95  18:34   CZDEMO.EXE
   2268  06-15-95  14:20   RUN-TIME/RUNTIME.H
  46080  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZCOMBO.DLL
  54272  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZDIAL.DLL
  33792  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZLINK.DLL
  40960  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZLIST.DLL
  58880  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZSCALER.DLL
  23040  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZTEXT.DLL
  57344  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZTUNER.DLL
  25088  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZPALET.DLL
   1536  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZCOMBO.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZDIAL.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZLINK.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZLIST.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZPALET.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZSCALER.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:37   RUN-TIME/CZTEXT.LIB
   1024  08-29-95  18:36   RUN-TIME/CZTUNER.LIB
 233965  08-29-95  18:32   CONTROLZ.HLP
  20085  07-25-95  15:24   CONTROLZ.H
 198656  08-29-95  18:34   CONTROLZ.DLL
 164928  11-17-94  04:50   BWCC.DLL
 ------                    -------
1041939                    28

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