[WinSite]WinSite Package: d5wn31.exe[WinSite]

WinSite Package: d5wn31.exe

Deskjet 500 Series Printer Driver Version 4.1

The package d5wn31.exe may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 485395 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Jun 23, 1994

Estimated Download times:

The package d5wn31.exe has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/drivers/printer/d5wn31.exe
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  33901  05-06-94  14:38   COMMCTRL.DL_
 115634  05-06-94  14:38   DESKJETC.DR_
  14761  05-06-94  14:38   HPCOLOR.DL_
  60032  05-06-94  14:38   HPSETUP.EXE
   8396  05-06-94  14:38   HPSETUP.HLP
   3425  05-06-94  14:38   HPSETUP.INI
   7536  05-06-94  14:38   HPSETUP1.DLL
   4882  05-06-94  14:38   HPVC.HL_
  76575  05-06-94  14:39   HPVCM.HP_
  27449  05-06-94  14:39   HPVCNFIG.EX_
  23022  05-06-94  14:39   HPVDJC.HL_
   8397  05-06-94  14:39   HPVIOD.DL_
  13312  05-06-94  14:39   HPVIOL.DL_
   7143  05-06-94  14:39   HPVMON.DL_
   6064  05-06-94  14:39   HPVQPR.DL_
   7408  05-06-94  14:39   HPVRES.DL_
  18328  05-06-94  14:39   HPVUI.DL_
   2610  05-06-94  14:39   HPVUTL.DL_
    879  05-06-94  14:39   OEMSETUP.INF
  42301  05-06-94  14:39   PRINTMAN.EX_
  45782  05-06-94  14:39   PRINTMAN.HL_
  19415  05-06-94  14:39   README.TXT
 ------                    -------
 547252                    22

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