[WinSite]WinSite Package: sv9410.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: sv9410.zip

SAVANNA organism evolution simulation

The package sv9410.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 259537 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Sep 4, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package sv9410.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/sv9410.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  17526  10-09-94  01:21   ANOMALO.BMP
  18688  04-28-93  00:00   CMDIALOG.VBX
  17526  10-09-94  01:06   DINOSAUR.BMP
    345  09-01-95  01:14   FILE_ID.DIZ
  17526  01-12-95  22:31   FISH.BMP
  62912  06-24-93  00:00   GRAPH.VBX
 261120  06-24-93  00:00   GSW.EXE
  71680  06-24-93  00:00   GSWDLL.DLL
  17526  09-25-94  19:24   LION.BMP
   4832  09-01-95  22:08   README.TXT
  96058  03-01-95  21:51   SAVANNA.EXE
  51095  03-08-95  11:55   SAVANNA.HLP
      5  03-08-95  11:57   SAVANNA.INI
  17526  10-09-94  01:22   SHARK.BMP
    206  04-05-95  15:32   SVNCHARA.DAT
 ------                    -------
 654571                    15

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