[WinSite]WinSite Package: ozw108i.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: ozw108i.zip

OzGIS mapping 9/14 - Optional Vic DXF, London

The package ozw108i.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 228959 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: May 1, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package ozw108i.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/ozw108i.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
 120693  08-06-92  18:44   africa.dat
  59392  04-24-93  12:27   africa.geo
   7168  01-05-80  01:10   africa.att
  71655  10-17-91  07:42   hawdlgwb.dat
  34816  06-12-93  14:46   hawdlgwb.geo
  15360  04-04-93  07:55   hawdlgst.geo
  30720  04-04-93  07:55   hawdlgrd.geo
  17408  06-12-93  14:46   hawdlgab.geo
 106026  11-30-91  17:59   hawdlgrd.dat
  61746  11-30-91  18:00   hawdlgst.dat
  38377  08-20-92  08:27   hawdlgab.dat
   3040  03-06-92  14:39   victown.dxf
  16316  03-06-92  14:38   vicshire.dxf
  16016  03-06-92  14:35   vicrail.dxf
  30720  07-13-93  11:35   street.vec
   1024  07-13-93  11:34   street.dvc
  54272  08-14-93  17:36   street.geo
  17408  07-13-93  11:33   death.vec
   1024  07-13-93  11:33   death.dvc
  38912  08-14-93  16:58   death.geo
    512  07-13-93  11:33   pump.vec
   1024  07-13-93  11:33   pump.dvc
   3072  08-14-93  16:58   pump.geo
 ------                    -------
 746701                    23

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