[WinSite]WinSite Package: easter.zip[WinSite]

WinSite Package: easter.zip

10 Easter Week Graphics in .WMF format

The package easter.zip may be referenced in the future using the URL


Select this link to download the entire package now (size 210413 bytes).

Date Contributed to Archive: Feb 27, 1995

Estimated Download times:

The package easter.zip has the following contents.
Select the active hyperlinks below (if any) to access the referenced file.

Archive:  /pub/pc/win3/desktop/easter.zip
 Length    Date    Time    Name
 ------    ----    ----    ----
  51332  03-16-93  11:38   HOLD/TRYIT/SUNRISE.WMF
  53726  03-16-93  11:54   HOLD/TRYIT/STATIONS.WMF
  24752  03-18-93  16:22   HOLD/TRYIT/PALM_SUN.WMF
  45388  03-18-93  00:02   HOLD/TRYIT/MAUNDY.WMF
  55574  03-16-93  12:15   HOLD/TRYIT/HOLY_THU.WMF
  37206  03-18-93  10:07   HOLD/TRYIT/GOOD_FRI.WMF
  50634  03-18-93  17:08   HOLD/TRYIT/GODSVIEW.WMF
  48660  03-26-93  17:32   HOLD/TRYIT/ESTRVIGL.WMF
   1630  03-26-93  22:39   HOLD/TRYIT/EASTER.TXT
  12202  03-18-93  09:57   HOLD/TRYIT/EAST_CAN.WMF
  37710  03-16-93  11:47   HOLD/TRYIT/CROSS_SH.WMF
  11028  03-26-93  16:23   HOLD/TRYIT/ALLELUIA.WMF
 ------                    -------
 429842                    12

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