SPEED INSTALL ON DOS -------------------- * Install the network card * Boot to DOS * Extract 3C509.ZIP * Extract the 3C509X2.EXE (run it) * If you are using a non-Plug'n'Play BIOS, run PNPDSABL.BAT * If you are using a Plug'n'Play BIOS, run 3C5X9CFG.EXE and enable Plug'N'Play (PNP) * Reboot your computer (IMPORTANT) * Go to \PKTDVR and run "3C5X9PD.COM 0x60" without quotes. * If all goes well, the printout will be: 3Com EtherLink III Packet Driver v1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 3Com Corp. All rights reserved. I/O base: 768 (0x300) Interrupt: 10 (0xA) Transceiver: Twisted Pair (10BaseT) Ethernet Address: 00:A0:24:27:50:1F Packet Driver Interrupt: 96 (0x60) INSTALL TRUMPET TCP (FOR PING, TELNET, FTP...) ---------------------------------------------- * Extract TCP201.ZIP * Run "TCPDRV.EXE -ip= -netmask= -gateway= -dns-host= eg. TCPDRV.EXE -ip= -netmask= -gateway= -dns-host= * Test with "PING2.EXE www.google.com" INSTALL SSH2DOS (SSH CLIENT) -------------------------------------- * Extract SSH2021B.ZIP * Rename WATTCP.CFG to WATTCP.REF and create new file WATTCP.CFG. * See example below. For more parameters, read WATTCP.REF # Very simple static configuration: my_ip = netmask = nameserver = gateway = * Run SSH2DOS.EXE (286 computers) or SSH2D386.EXE (386+ computers)